Nasal Blockage / Congestion

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Nasal congestion, or a 'stuffy', 'blocked' nose are common symptoms associated with colds, allergies or sinus problems. It is caused by the membrane lining of the nose becoming inflamed and irritated causing blockage and an excess of mucus which can pass down the throat and cause catarrh.

The nasal turbinates are the most fleshy part inside the nose and particularly prone to swelling. Sometimes nasal polyps can develop and cause gradually worsening nasal blockage although they often respond well to medication.

There may be a structural cause for the nasal blockage such as a bend or deviation of the nasal septum (the partition in the middle of the nose) and this may need surgical correction. During your consultation we will endeavour to find the cause of your symptoms and advise about the best possible treatment options.

Another cause for nasal congestion is nasal valve collapse. Here the side walls of the nose collapse inwards on nasal breathing. Studies have show that the nasal valve contributes to symptoms of nasal congestion/blackage in as much as 80% of patients. This is also a phenomenon that is often missed during assessment. At Hampshire ENT we can off a full assessment of the nasal valve and can offer treatments for this including the use of titanium implants and cadaveric cartilage grafting to strengthen the nasal valve.

Septoplasty Information Rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps Rhinosinusitis without nasal polyps

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