Enlargement of the thyroid gland is called a goitre. This may be a generalised enlargement of the whole gland or due to one or more nodules in the gland.
Most thyroid nodules are benign and are very common especially in women. Some thyroid nodules are due to more serious problems including cancer and therefore all need assessment. At the North Hampshire ENT partnership we can arrange an urgent appointment and can usually get blood tests, scans and biopsies arranged on the day of your appointment.
Most thyroid nodules are not due to serious conditions and can be monitored for a period of time. In the rare case of thyroid cancer, patients are discussed at the regional Thyroid Multi-disciplinary Team Meeting (MDT) at which Mr Spraggs is a Core member of the team. A joint decision of treatment is agreed and discussed with the patient. This usually involves the combination of surgery and post operative radio-iodine treatment with a long period of monitoring after treatment.
Thyroid Surgery Information
British Thyroid Association
British Association of Endocrine and Thyroid Surgeons (BAETS)